Andrew Keen, o autor do badalado livro "The Cult of the Amateur" reflecte no site Intenert evolution, sobre o recurso ao anonimato nas participações na Internet. E interroga-se sobre as consequências que terá, sobretudo para a geração que nasce e cresce no meio digital, este recurso mais ou menos sistemático à criação de idenPublicar postagemtidades e nicknames.
Today’s generation of kids under the age of sixteen –- let’s call them Generation Facebook –- are the first to literally grow up on the Internet. Teaching these kids that it’s OK to lie about one’s identity has profoundly dangerous long-term consequences. It is legitimizing the idea of anonymity, thereby transforming the Internet from a community of real people into an atomized chaos of fictional characters. Generation Facebook have the potential to be the first real Internet citizens –- yet genuine online citizenship is the first and most tragic casualty of an Internet inhabited by anonymous characters.Um assunto a acompanhar.
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