domingo, novembro 20, 2005

Os media e os direitos das crianças

Hoje evoca-se o dia dos direitos das crianças. Completam-se 16 anos sobre a aprovação, por unanimidade, da Convenção dos Direitos das Crianças, pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas.
Sobre a relação entre esta matéria e o trabalho dos media, fica aqui a sugestão de leitura de uma publicação este ano editada pela UNICEF, intitulada "The Media and Children's Rights".
Da apresentação destaca-se:

"This handbook has been produced to help media professionals working on stories about children to appreciate the rights of children and encourage their participation in the mass media. It contains ideas and challenges for journalists, and for those seeking to obtain media coverage about children?s needs, problems, achievements and aspirations.
Its purpose is to generate responsible coverage of children, and the impact of adult behaviour and decisions on their lives. It has formed the basis of training programmes for journalists all over the
world, supported by UNICEF and the International Federation of Journalists.
Originally commissioned by UNICEF in 1999 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, this handbook is based on the practical experience of working journalists, and was devised by the UK-based media ethics charity MediaWise (formerly PressWise)."

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