segunda-feira, outubro 25, 2010

BBC inicia campanha 'First Connect'

A cadeia pública britânica BBC acaba de lançar a iniciativa 'First Connect', um site sobre algumas das questões básicas das diversas plataformas online. Em traços gerais, a página organiza-se em torno de quatro temas:

- How to... Beginner's guides to using computers, getting online and keeping in touch:

Use a Computer
Get Online
Chat Online
Watch TV and Video Online

- Need to Know...The place to find articles on subjects from online banking to safety and copyright:

Safety Online
Your Rights Online
Shopping and Banking Online

- Behind the Scenes...How the experts make TV, Radio and News, also information on careers in the media:

How Television is Made
How Radio is Made
How The News is Made
How Websites are Made
Media Careers

- Make and Play...Tips, tricks and fun activities to help you get more from digital technology and media production:

Making Radio
Digital Photography
Digital Video
Writing Scripts

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