domingo, junho 14, 2009

«Os videojogos podem aumentar a literacia mediática»

No âmbito duma investigação desenvolvida no Future Lab, Games and Learning, podemos encontrar dois documentos muito interessantes:

Um dos assuntos abordados é a relação videojogos e literacia mediática, como se documenta nas passagens seguintes (retiradas de ambos os documentos referidos):
The use of computer games in educational settings can involve interrogating how media companies offer particular interpretations of the world, how games are constructed, designed and structured, about the production of games and the organisations involved in doing so, and about how audiences are targeted and receive games.
As regards computer games, children should be supported to develop their media literacy when it comes to accessing, understanding and participating in the creation of games media. This includes understanding how and why games are produced, by whom, and how they are marketed, distributed to and received by audiences.
Media literacy concerning computer games in education is therefore important because it focuses on the persuasive potential of games on players and learners, recognising that the structure and content of some games may sometimes affect what players think and believe, while other times they may not.

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