quinta-feira, abril 17, 2008

Mundo digital e os mais novos: dois estudos

Acaba de ser publicado no Reino Unido um extenso estudo encomendado pelo primeiro-ministro, cujo título é Safer Children in a Digital World - The Report of the Byron Review. Compõe-se de quatro capítulos, a saber:
1: Setting the Scene
2: What Children Bring to New Technology
3: The Internet: Towards a Strategy for Keeping Children Safe
4: The Internet: Specific Areas for Better Regulation
5: The Internet: Better Information and Education
6: Video Games: The Evidence
7: Video Games: Managing Access Offline
8: Online Gaming
9: Conclusion

"The Impact of the Media on Children and Young People with a particular focus on computer games and the internet" é o título do estudo de David Buckingham et al., do Institute of Education, University of London, apresentado em Dezembro último e disponibilizado na Internet. Encomendado pelo Department for Children, Schools and Families ao
Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, que o Prof. Buchkingham dirige, este trabalho tem o seguinte índice:
1. Media Effects: The Social and Historical Context
2. Mapping Media Effects
3. Research Traditions and Debates
4. Computer Games
5. The Internet
6. New and Emerging Media
7. The Role of Media Literacy

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