terça-feira, junho 08, 2004

TIC na Educação: a "ausência de discurso"

No portal e-Learning Europa foi colocado um extenso texto cuja leitura se recomenda. Trata-se de THE IMPACT OF ICT ON EDUCATION: THE THREE OPPOSED PARADIGMS , THE LACKING DISCOURSE, de Roni Aviram, Debbie Tami, membros do Center for Futurism in Education da Universidade Ben Gurion de Israel. Fica a introdução:

"Our motivation in writing this paper stems from the realization that inspite of the booming literature on ICT and education, there is almost no discourse on the subject. In other words, despite the large and often contradictory variety of approachs and attitudes in the field and in the literature, there is almost no systematic discussion amongs their upholders. Since the subject refers to the most influential change process in our educaional systems in the last and coming decades - a change process that is not only going to determine the form of the educaional system but also the nature of education and hence the nature of the coming generations - such lack of discourse can be profoundly detrimental to the very foundations of our societies . The lack of discourse may stem from the lack of appropriate recognition of the various and often opposed views on the subject that coexist, mostly without their adherents being aware of them not being identical or compatible, both in the ?field? and in the academic professional literature. The prevalence of such recognition is certainly a necessary condition for the mere acknowledgement of the need for discourse. Thus the main aim of this paper is to ?map the ground? and distinguish between the various and opposed views on ICT and education stemming from different approaches and attitudes to the subject. For this sake, we present a new methodological tool for analyzing theoretical and practical views towards the ?merger? between ICT and Education (section 1), use it for the analysis of several recent representative texts dealing with ICT and education (section 2) and distinguish in its light between three general clusters of views (henceforth we will call these clusters ?paradigms?) in this field (section 3). We conclude by claiming that a rational discussion on the issue, up until now lacking, can begin once one is aware of: a. The differences between these views and their many contradictions b. The possibility to compare these views despite their differences and their opposed tacit suppositions".

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